
Tuesday 29 September 2015

How to Use Numbing Cream For Getting Microdermabrasion Treatment?

Microdermabrasion is a popular technique for skin care due to its cost –effectiveness over other skin treatments like plastic surgery, chemical peels and Botox injections.
The following article is about the science behind microdermabrasion and use of numbing cream for a pain free procedure.   

Numbing Cream For Getting Microdermabrasion

In Microdermabrasion tiny rough grains are applied over the skin that can buff away the exterior layer of skin. This technique is widely used in clinics, salons and beauty products such as scrubs that can even be applied at home. The procedure is done for skin of face, chest, neck, arms or hands.

Also Read: 8 Easy Ways To Get Painless WaxingIncredible Benefits of Green Tea,

How Does Microdermabrasion Work?
There are two main layers of the skin -the epidermis and the dermis. The epidermis is the outermost layer above the layer where cells mature and contains the dead skin cells.  
Some portion of the lotions or creams that we apply on the skin passes through this layer but not the whole of it. Microdermbrasion is based on this phenomenon. Stratum corneum acts as a barrier between the external environment and the inside layers of the skin. It prevents everything but the tiniest molecules from passing through.  Skin imperfections like fine wrinkles, lines and blemishes appear in this layer only.
Microdermabrasion can also be called as micro-epi-dermabrasion which affects the stratum corneum.

Effects of Microdermabrasion 

In microdermabrasion the stratum corneum in removed which the body considers as minor injury. Therefore, the skin starts working to renew the lost cells from the particular portion of the skin. The first hour of the treatment is marked by mild edema (swelling) and erythema (redness) which can even last for few days depending upon the sensitivity of the individual. 
After the removal of stratum corneum, there is formation of new skin cells which provide an improved look to the skin.  
Microdermabrasion is known to treat skin imperfections like sun damage, blemishes and fine lines. You may need to put on moisturizing cream after the microdermabrasion as it deprives the skin of moisture. 
Microdermabrasion can also unclog the clogged pores especially for people who are allergic to Retin-A. But Mcrodermabrasion is not recommended for people who are infected with oral herpes. 

People with the following skin conditions should not go for microdermabrasion:

    Fragile capillaries
    Vascular lesions
    Widespread acne
    Herpetic lesions (herpes)
    Open sores
    Skin lesions
    Anyone who takes anti-coagulants
    Diabetes mellitus

Numbing cream can lessen the pain during the procedure.
A good numbing cream can cut off the excess pain involved with this procedure. Dr Numb’s cream is a widely recommended numbing cream by doctors, artists and beauty aestheticians. 
Dr. Numb is a non-oily topical anesthetic cream is which Lidocaine (5%) is present in the highest and purest amount which is declared as safe by FDA. 
Dr Numb cream also contains Vitamin E, which helps in faster heeling. Thus, Dr. Numb is not just safe to lessen the excruciating pain during the Microdermabrasion but also helps the skin for a faster recovery time after the therapy. 

How To Apply Dr. Numb Topical Anesthetic Cream?

  1. First use soap and water to wash the area where the procedure is to be done. Then dry that portion   of the skin completely. 
  2. Now take a thick amount of Dr Numb cream and apply it to the area. Gently rub the cream over the entire area to be treated.
  3. Now place another thin layer of the cream over the same area.
  4. Now cover that portion of the skin with plastic wrap so that the heat under the plastic wrap can activate the cream.  
  5. Don’t remove the plastic wrap till your aesthetician or the professional doesn’t ask you to do so.

Tuesday 22 September 2015

8 Easy Ways To Get Painless Waxing

Women can do anything for clear and hair-free skin. But getting rid of the hair is not that easy. There are several options, having waxing the most common one. The reason why waxing is preferred over other methods is that it leaves you with smoother and beautiful skin. The only thing which can stop you from going for waxing is the pain. Let’s find out a solution to make it pain free. 

Ways To Get Painless Waxing

You don’t like those extra hairs on your skin, isn’t it? Well, no one like them and crave for flawless skin. For this, a number of treatments, including waxing, shaving, laser treatment and many more are known to show amazing results. But, when it comes to popularity, there is only one to top this list. 

Yes, You Guessed It Right, It Is Waxing. 

Using the hot wax to pull off the excess of hair from year skin is an old and reliable method. Undoubtedly, it works well but yes, it is painful. And if you are among those, who have been avoiding waxing just for the reason that it causes pain, here are some tips for you to make it painless. Have a look:

1. Escape The Cup Of Coffee: You love it. But for the day you are going for waxing, say ‘no’ to your coffee. 

Although coffee is considered to be good for your skin, yet when it is wax time, avoiding it is the right choice. The reason being, stimulants present in coffee can make your skin extra sensitive. Hence, when you get it done, it will cause more pain.  

2. Exfoliate Before: If you really wish to make your skin beautiful and clean, before waxing the process of exfoliation can help. 

You can do it at home easily. Start two days before with a body scrub so that there isn’t any extra dry and dead skin hanging. This will cause your skin to become lose and hairs can be pulled out easily.

3. Numbing Solutions Can Work: Using ice cubes to numb the area before waxing is not so good idea. 

It will simply tighten your skin and close the pores, which in turn will make waxing much more difficult. Numbing is the right solution only if you use a right product. Try for some natural numbing cream, which can cause numbing sensation for few hours and the process can be completed.  

4. A Warm Water Bath: Bathing before waxing is highly advisable. This clears of any dirt and dust particles settled on your skin. 

But, if you have time and want to make your waxing painless, soaking your body in a warm bath for about 30 minutes can be a great option. Remember, you need to do this before the appointment. It simple opens up your pores, soften the hair and make your waxing easier.

5. Reducing Acidity: Presence of acidic elements in your body can turn your waxing painful. 

Hence, if you are smoking and/ or a regular caffeine or alcohol consumer, you habit can create a lot of acid in the body. Avoid it at the day you are going to your parlor.  Actually acidity is directly proportional to skin's sensitivity. Hence, in order to make your skin less sensitive, avoid acidic things. 

6. Check The Hair For Light Length: Are your hair too short that wax won’t be able to pull the hair or too long that they need to be trimmed first? 

For proper waxing, you need to first learn about the right length of hair while you get them waxed. Make sure the hair is about 1/4 inch long. If it is more or less, there are higher chances of pain.  

7. No Shaving: Waxing is a perfect way to get wonderful skin. 

Hence, you hardly need to switch any other option. In case you are shaving your hair, make sure that at least three weeks prior to waxing you stop practicing any other technique. The reason being shaving can make your hair more resistant to wax.

8. Astringent or Toner - You Don’t Need Them: You can use a scrub to lose the follicle. 

But make sure that you don’t use a toner the day you are going for waxing. It will tighten the pores, making it harder to hold on the hair follicle. 

Follow these essential tips and go for pain-free waxing!  

Monday 21 September 2015

Incredible Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea is rich in antioxidants and nutrients which have multiple benefits including improvement in functioning of brain, loss of fat, reduced risk of cancer etc. The following blog post is centered on the positive impact of green tea.

Read the following points to know about the health –benefits of green tea.

Also Read: 8 Easy Ways To Get Painless WaxingHow to Use Numbing Cream For Getting Microdermabrasion Treatment?

Green Tea Contains Various Bioactive Compounds

Green tea contains bioactive compounds which consist of important nutrients to boost health. Moreover, it also contains antioxidants in the form of polyphenols like flavonoids and catechins. Such substances can decrease the formation of free radicals in the body and thereby safeguarding cells and molecules from damage.

Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) is a powerful antioxidant which adds to medicinal property of green tea.

While choosing a brand of green tea, make sure you choose the one with superior quality as some of the lower quality brands are found to contain excessive levels of fluoride.

Caffeine in green tea can improve brain function

Caffeine, which is a stimulant, blocks the inhibitory neurotransmitter called Adenosine in the brain thereby boosting the emission of neurons and the neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine.

Caffeine is linked with improvements in brain functioning leading to better mood, increase in vigilance, reaction time and even memory.

Amino acid in green tea can decrease anxiety

Green tea contains amino acid L-theanine, which can boost up the activity of inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA, leading to decrease in levels of anxiety in the body. Studies depict that caffeine and L-theanine together can improve brain functioning.

Moreover, green tea contains much less caffeine than coffee, which is enough to cause a synergizing effect and not affect the body in a negative way.

Green Tea can burn fat easily

Green tea is among the top supplements for increasing the fat burning process. It can boost the metabolic rate and improve physical performance.

Caffeine itself is responsible for mobilizing fatty acids from the fat tissues so that they can be used as energy.

There are many studies that confirm that green tea can help to lose fat but still the results may vary among individuals.

Green Tea reduces risk of various types of cancer

Cancer develops due to uncontrolled growth of cells due to oxidative damage. Green tea contains antioxidants which can obviously protect your body from cancer.

In a research it was found that women who drank green tea were 22% less risk of developing breast cancer as compared to the ones who didn’t drink any.

Another study found that men who drink green tea are at 48% lower risk of developing prostate cancer.

So, green tea can definitely reduce risks of cancer greatly. Don’t add milk to your tea as it can alleviate the value of antioxidants.

Green Tea can lower risk of Alzheimer and Parkinson

Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease leading to dementia. Parkinson’s disease also a neurodegenerative disease leading to death of dopamine producing neurons in the brain.
Green Tea contains catechin compounds which have protective effects on neurons thereby lowering the risk of Alzheimer and Parkinson disease.

The bioactive compounds in green tea can safeguard your body against neurodegenerative disorders.

Green Tea can improve dental health

The catechins in green tea can destroy bacteria and viruses like the influenza virus by making you less vulnerable to infections.
Streptococcus mutans present in the mouth is responsible for plaque formation, cavities and tooth decay.

Green Tea contains catechins which can stop the growth of streptococcus mutans and reducing risk of dental caries.
Green Tea can lower risk of infections and bad breath.

Green Tea can also lower risk of Type II Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes results due to increase in blood sugar levels due to body’s inability to produce sufficient amount of insulin. Green Tea has been found to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels.

Many studies have proved that green tea can reduce blood sugar levels. Moreover, it can also alleviate risk of developing type II diabetes. 

Friday 18 September 2015

Got a Black Spot???? Is it a Cancer?

Do you find some changes in your mole on your back or you face? Be cautious! Unusual moles, lumps or blemishes, may be a sign of melanoma or another type of cancer, or a warning that it might occur. Check out to know more.

There are a few things we never forget to do every week, just like routine check-ups – air in the car or bike tires, weekly expense calculation, washing clothes and household cleaning, etc. All these activities ensure that our personal property is in good condition. But, what about our own body and health!! 

Our body too needs regular check-ups to ensure its well-being. For instance, moles should be checked every month for loopholes that might indicate a problem like cancer. Shocking!! Find more. 

What Is A MOLE?

These are harmless spots that develop in infancy or later in life and can be found anywhere. Moles are usually small in size, round and regular with flat borders and an even color. Moreover, they usually don’t evolve or change shape.
A little change in your moles can be a BIG indication of disaster. So, here are ten things you should be looking for while self-inspecting the moles on your body. Have a look.

Changes In Color

The first indication of a potentially malignant mole is the extreme change in its color. If you find your mole with dark brown or grey, or varying colors, i.e. black in the middle and white, red, or pink in patches or around the borders, consulting the doctor is an immediate requirement. 

Blurred or Unclear Border

Normal moles have a definite border. But, melanomas or cancerous moles are somewhat different. These tend to look blurred or distorted around the external circumferences. Sometimes, they can also feel a little elevated while touching and color may run into the nearby tissues.


Any mole that causes pain or tenderness on touching should be considered threatening, especially if it exudes blood. As such, visiting your medic immediately for a skin examination is must.

Evolving Moles

A mole that has discrepancies or contradiction, such as transitions in color, height, shape, or surface texture might be unhealthy.  


As said above, normal moles don’t grow in size than 6 millimeters in width. But, if any mole on your body is large or regularly growing in size, take an appointment to book a medical test.  

Sores That Don’t Heal

A mole that doesn’t heal, irrespective of how much time, cleaning, and medication you apply can be a potential cancer risk.

Dysplastic Moles

People with dysplastic moles - moles greater than 6 millimeters in size, dark centers, and distorted edges are certainly at a greater risk of developing melanoma or cancerous moles.


Any mole that is lumpy, coarse, dry or scaly, especially if it’s itchy or tender to touch requires particular attention. Any mole that bleeds or builds a crusty coating needs immediate attention. 


Normal moles are usually symmetrical in nature, meaning they are equally sized. However, if you find a mole that’s uneven or asymmetrical, you may want to get it checked at.


Unfortunately, many of our health problems are passed down by our ancestors or family members through genes. In the case of moles cancer, a history of the disease can put you at higher risk.

Besides the above mentioned symptoms, the rule of ABCDE is yet another guide to the check your mole for cancer signs. Tell your doctor if you have any of the following features:

  •  A for Asymmetry - One half of a mole does not match the others.
  • B for Border – Borders turns irregular, notched or ragged. 
  • C for Color - The color doesn’t remains same all over and may include hue  of brown or black, or with patches of pink, red, or white, sometimes.
  • D for Diameter - The spot is larger than 6 millimeters across, although malignant moles can sometimes be smaller than this.
  • E for Evolving - The mole changes in size, shape, or color.

It is sometimes even hard for doctors to tell the difference between melanoma and a normal or healthy mole. Hence, it’s important to show your doctor any mole that you are doubtful of.

Friday 11 September 2015

Which is Less Painful: Laser Hair Removal or Waxing?

Hair Removal…and a great confusion of girls today! What to opt for… laser or waxing. Without wasting any time, let’s check out.

Waxing - the ‘pull-tight-and-hold-your-breath’ procedure. Although, it is quite straightforward, the technique literally pulls the hair follicle out of the root. Waxing is popular primarily for two reasons:

It gives you a hairless and a ‘fertile’, greasy skin and lasts longer than shaving.

Everyone does it. It's a smooth ordeal unless you have an extremely high pain tolerance.

But, what about Laser Hair Removal!

While absolutely not novel, it seems that more females are opting for this long-lasting method. Within a few short sessions, it frees you from worrying about recurring hair on your upper lip, hands, armpits, legs, or bikini area ever again. 

The procedure involves a certain wavelength of light to create heat energy at the hair root or follicle. By targeting the hair color, it warms up the follicle to a temperature which ends up destroying the stem cells, preventing the hairs to regrow.

So, Which Is The BEST????

Laser hair removal does not eliminate hair right away; its removes only about 10 percent in every session, and you can’t wax while you get it. This means, if you start now, you’ll be done entirely by next summer. So, a summer without waxing!!!!

Laser hair treatment is not as painful as waxing and is way faster. It feels like tiny pin pricks, depending on the area being treated. And…. waxing just hurts a lot. I’ve seen girls screaming and shouting in pain… with tears flooding from their eyes. It does not matter how good your beautician is or how long you’ve been doing it.

Laser Hair Removal is much expensive than waxing. A full series of Brazilian laser hair removal sessions is $2,000 as it involves multiple sessions. This is nowhere around the charges of waxing.

Whether you have a darker skin tone, or a pal skin, you can get it done.  There are many new lasers today that work on darker skin also. It hurts a little more with the darker skin, but works just as well.

The conclusion is still perplexing. It is something like 50-50. But, the common thing between both the procedures is that they are really painful. Whether it is Laser or waxing, you’ll have to experience them with pain.

For those who are worried about bearing pain.. while undergoing any of these process.. We have a superb solution for you… A topical Numbing Cream.

With the use of numbing cream, you can go for any procedure – whether waxing or laser.

Numbing Creams for Waxing and Laser Hair Removal

Clinicians, doctors and dermatologists today recommend people to apply numbing cream before undergoing these painful procedures. Since, the numbing creams contain Lidocaine– an effective anesthetic chemical… numbing creams are very effective.

Out of the many options available in the market, Dr. Numb is known to be the best. This is because of the following reasons:

  • 100% effective – Dr. Numb is known as the most effective and reliable numbing cream for warding off the pain. Since, it contains Lidocaine in the most required amount (5%) and is even approved by FDA, it leaves you complete numbness in just an hour.  
  • One-for-Many Solution – Whether it’s the pain of a hair removal treatment like laser, or threading or waxing, or it’s a body styling procedure like tattooing or piercing, Dr. numb is a one for all solution to the various pain. Not only this, it can also be used to get rid of the common body pain like back pain, or joint pain. Isn’t it amazing!!!
  • No-side Effects – Unlike other numbing solutions, Dr. Numb tropical cream has no side-effects. If applied in the right quantity following the proper procedure, there is no chance for it to affect you in any wrong way. Also, it doesn’t harm your tattoo ink, unlike others.
  • No Prescription Required - Dr. Numb is clinically tested and approved. As such, it is considered as an over-the-counter medication, means you do not need any medical prescription to buy it.  
  • Easy Availability and Affordable – Dr. Numb can be purchased from medical stores and can also be ordered online. Its easy availability makes it the first choice of the people everywhere.
  • Suitable for all – Dr. Numb is so safe that it can be used for all ages and all skin types. Even, it can be used among the infants or children.. but in the amount as prescribed by the doctors.

Note – Although, Lidocaine is 100% safe, care should be taken while using it over pregnant or lactating women or people with sensitive skin or allergies.

With Dr. Numb, you can opt for any option, whether it’s Laser or Wax..

Thursday 10 September 2015

Tips For An Effective Large Scale Body Waxing

Ancient Egyptians, Middle Eastern societies and even Europeans have been practicing waxing since ancient times. It has been considered as a routine practice to maintain one’s personal hygiene. And if we look at today’s world, waxing is one of the popular ways to pamper one’s beauty. 

The following article deals with painless ways for a large scale body waxing. 

Large scale body waxing includes removing hairs from all the body parts including the bikini area. The reason people choose for full body wax is to have a flawless beauty and smooth skin which is free of even a single strand of hair.

There are many types of waxing such as waxing at legs, arms, armpits, stomach and the bikini area. Brazilian or bikini wax have gained popularity over the last few years and now even teenagers have started getting their bikini area waxed off. Although Brazilian wax seems like a horrific nightmare but if your waxer knows the right skill and is well-experienced then it is like getting waxed any other body part. 

Following are few guidelines for a pain free large scale body wax session:

1. Don’t Go For Waxing During The Periods
You already know that’s going to be excruciatingly painful while all your hair will be removed. So, why take the risk when your body is already sensitive? 
Waxing during your periods can lead to pain and irritation at your bikini area. Even it’s recommended not to go for waxing few days before and after the period. 

2. Exfoliation Is Must
This should be done a night before your wax session. If you exfoliate your skin, it can remove all the dead skin and open up the skin pores which will enable a better waxing. You can use a sugar scrub for removing dead cells. 

3. Take A Shower Before The Wax
If you are going for the wax session directly from the gym or after a long drive then it’s good to take a quick shower. Most salons have this facility so it won’t be a great deal for you. 
The thing is excess of sweat makes it difficult to pull the hair. So, make sure your skin is dry and clean for the waxing procedure. 

4. A Painkiller Can Make It Bearable For You
An I-brufen or Advil is advisable to take 30 minutes before the wax session. This cannot eliminate the pain completely but of course make it tolerable for you. 

5. Use A Numbing Cream
A good numbing cream, if applied 30 minutes before the session can gift you a pain free wax session. Numbing cream is useful for bikini areas or people with highly sensitive skin to lessen the intensity of the pain when the hair is being pulled out. Dr Numb’s cream is a highly effective and popular cream which is known for its safe and effective numbing results.  

6. Don’t Go For Next Wax Before Four Weeks 
If the hair growth is not proper then there is no use of another wax session. This will only make the process difficult and painful. Make sure your hair are grown more than an inch before you step into parlor for next session. 

7. Hygiene Is Important
This includes the measures adopted by your beautician to keep you away from infections. This includes using hand gloves, tying the hair properly, using personalized wax and using clean towels for cleaning and drying your skin. 

8. Take Appointment In Advance
You need to be mentally prepared for the full body wax, therefore pre-fix your date for the session. This can provide you with ample amount of time for gathering enough information clear your doubts and get familiar with your aesthetician. 

Monday 7 September 2015

Why Child Vaccination is Important?

According to a latest bulletin, the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) said the health of Canadians is at risk due to lack of immunization. Due to this, the organization representing the country’s doctors is calling for evidence whether the school-aged children are getting vaccinated against communicable diseases and, if they aren’t, they should not be allowed to go to the school.
 Child Vaccination

The news has raised a question in everybody’s mind as why there is so much emphasize on child immunization? Here’s something for you to know more about. Have a look. 

Child Immunization

No parent probably likes seeing their babies or child in tears on being given an injection. But, the fact is that vaccination is a significant step in protecting every child against a range of fatal diseases.
Immunization is fast, safe and very effective. A child who is vaccinated has a greater immunity to fight against a disease, more effectively. On the other hand, a child who isn't immunized will have a higher risk of catching the illness.

Take a look at some facts: 

• Although, the neonates are immune to many diseases because they get antibodies from their mothers, yet their vaccination is important as this immunity goes away during the first year of life.
• Before vaccines, many children died from diseases such as cough, measles, and polio that can be easily prevented from the vaccines. 
• Immunizing every child helps us to protect the health of our community, particularly those people who cannot be immunized and the small proportion of people who don’t respond to a particular vaccine.

Reasons Why Child Immunization is Crucial:

Here are the top reasons to help you understand the importance of getting your child immunized:

• Immunizations can save your child’s life 
With immunizations, your child can be protected against more serious diseases than ever before. Diseases that were known to be deadly and life-taking once have been eliminated completely primarily due to safe and effective vaccines. Polio is one such example of the great impact that vaccines had have in the United States. 

• Immunization is very safe and effective
Vaccines are given to children after careful review by doctors, and healthcare professionals. Although Vaccines involve some discomfort and may cause pain, and redness at the site of injection, but this is minimal compared to the pain and trauma of the diseases these vaccines prevent. The disease-prevention benefits of getting vaccines are much greater than the possible side effects for almost all children.

• Immunizations can save your family, time and money
A child being vaccine is equal to vaccination of the family too. Some vaccine-preventable diseases can result in prolonged disabilities and cause a financial burden because of medical bills or long-term disability care. In contrast, getting vaccinated against these diseases is a good investment and usually covered by insurance. 

• Immunization protects future generations
Vaccines have abridged and even eliminated several diseases that killed or severely disabled people just a few generations ago. For instance, smallpox vaccination eliminated that disease worldwide. The children are no more required to get smallpox shots anymore because the disease no longer exists. By immunizing children against German measles, the risk that pregnant women will pass this virus on to their fetus or newborn has been dramatically decreased. 


Vaccination is the single most significant way parents can protect their children from serious ailments. This makes the decision to immunize your child very crucial, especially since there are no effective alternatives to immunization.

Tuesday 1 September 2015

7 Foods To Boost Your Immunity

If you are looking for a flawless skin, a disease free body and higher energy levels then probably you need to strengthen your immune system. A diet consisting of nutrient rich vitamins and minerals can help to boost your immunity and gifting you with healthier body with a glowing skin.
The following blog post consists of foods that can help you in boosting your immunity and help you to combat diseases.
Following are some of the foods which if consumed as a part of daily diet can increase your body’s immunity against external viruses and disease causing organisms.


Garlic is known for fighting many diseases including cancer. It is a powerful antibiotic, antiviral, and antifungal food which can help the body to ward off infections and thereby strengthen the body.
It should be regularly consumed in our daily diet as it helps the body to fight against inflammatory diseases like the common cold, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease and multiple sclerosis.
Tip!-Eat one or two garlic cloves in raw form to maintain your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

2.Sweet Potatoes

Although we don’t consider skin as a part of immune system but it is a vital organ of the immune system .Skin is only the periphery to all the bacteria and viruses that attack our immune system. So, if you keep your skin healthy you probably reduce chances of catching infections easily.
The best nutrient for skin nourishment is Vitamin A. Beta-carotene rich foods are rich sources of Vitamin A and sweet potato is the best example for them. 
Tip!-You can even eat Sweet potato as a dessert. Other foods rich in beta-carotene are- carrots, squash, pumpkin, and cantaloupe.


Studies have found that mushrooms can increase the production and activity of white blood cells which can help in combating diseases faster . Mushrooms such as shiitake, maitake, and reishi are some of the best varieties for boosting the immune system. 
Tip!-Mushrooms should be included as little as ¼ ounces and consumed few times in a day for effective benefits.
Honey is known for its antioxidant, antimicrobial and antibacterial properties which can help the body to fight against viruses, bacteria, and fungi.
It can even improve your digestion, treat acid reflux, and provide relief in case of a sore throat and nasty cough.
A single teaspoon of honey taken with a glass of lukewarm water can revitalize blood sugar levels and cure wounds and scars.
Tip!-Children below 1 year shouldn’t be given honey.


Ginger has been used since ancient times to cure many health problems. Ginger is a powerful antioxidant and has antimicrobial, antiseptic, antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties which can strengthen the immune system.
It can help to get rid of congestion, alleviate throat pain, fight off cold viruses and even combat fever. Ginger is also known to slow down growth of pancreatic cancer cell, peptic ulcer disease, lessen chronic pain and high cholesterol.
 Tip!-You can consume ginger in the form of ginger tea to make sure your immune system functions smoothly.


Yogurt contains the bacteria Bifidobacterium lactis that helps to boost the action of immune system cells in combating viruses and unwanted intruders triggering the body.
Eating yogurt regularly can help to fight off intestinal infections, improve digestive system and even treat dysentery and diarrhea.
Tip!-Two 6-ounce servings a day is good enough to boost immunity.  


Oranges are one of the richest sources of Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps to increase production of white blood cells thereby reducing the risk to catch infections easily.
Orange is a powerful antioxidant which can improve the immune system’s ability to fight off diseases. It is not just rich in Vitamin C but is also a good source of Vitamin A, vitamin B9 or folate, and copper which cannot just strengthen immune system but also lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels.
Tip!-A glass of fresh orange juice is refreshing as well as a healthy dose for immune system.