
Friday 20 November 2015

Numb The Pain With Dr Numb! Dr Numb Cream For Wart Removal

Warts are known to affect 7-10 % of population and the cases are more in young people. They are caused due to virus known as HPV or Human Papilloma Virus and can occur at any body part such as hands, elbows, face, soles of the feet and even on the genitals. They appear like a cauliflower or a solid blister and even are rough to touch. Nongenital warts are less harmful and contagious than genital warts. 

Statistics about HPV

• There are about 6.2 million people infected with genital human papillomavirus in United States which makes it the most common sexually transmitted infection. 
• There are more than 100 types of HPV out of which 40 are found to infect the genital area. 
• HPV types have been categorized as per their association with cancer. Non-oncogenic, or low-risk HPV types(HPV 6 or 11) cause benign or low-grade abnormalities of cervical cells, anogenital warts, and recurrent respiratory papillomatosis( disease related to respiratory tract). 
• Oncogenic, or high-risk HPV types (types 16 and 18) can cause intraepithelial neoplasia of the anogenital region that includes cervical, vulvar, vaginal, penile, and anal cancers.
• Cervical cancer is the most common cancer caused due to HPV infection. There have been 500,000 new cases and 275,000 deaths due to the cervical cancer all over the world in 2008.
• High-risk HPV infection is also found to cause vulva, vagina, penis and anus cancer. 
• As per research, more than 90% of new HPV infections, including high-risk types become undetectable within two years. 
• Around 1% of sexually active adolescents and adults in the United States have been detected with genital warts. According to a national survey, 5.6% of males and females aged 14-59 were found to have genital warts in their lifetime

Warts have been classified based on their location on the body and appearance: 
• Common warts (verrucae vulgaris) appear on the hands and fingers
• Plantar warts are found on soles of the feet 
• periungual warts are found around the nails of fingers and toes
• Digitate warts are found on scalp or face in the form of finger like projections
• Filiform warts are found around the face and neck

Warts can spread easily through body contact with an infected person. If a person has warts over fingers and somebody happens to touch it then it increases chances of getting warts. Genital warts are highly contagious and can lead to cancerous growth in penile and cervix. 

Wart Removal

Although many warts disappear within one or two years but if they turn out to be contagious they have to be removed. In this modern era, we have aggressive technology that can help us to get rid of warts before they turn out to be contagious. Wart removal is done with laser is most cases but if the situation gets complicated then it has to be done with a surgery. These techniques of wart removal cause a lot of pain because it involves removal of a part of the skin. Moreover, it takes some time for the skin to heal after the procedure. Many people have high sensitivity and cannot tolerate even slight pain. For them pain during wart removal surgery is the major concern. But with Dr Numb you don’t have to worry about pain at all. Dr Numb is a topical numbing cream used to numb the area for painful dermatological procedures.
Dr. Numb is a popular brand in the numbing cream market. It is used widely due to its safety and effectiveness in wart removal. Moreover, it has a long lasting effect which is good enough for the entire procedure to complete in a pain free manner. 
Anyone who is going for laser procedure or wart removal surgery should apply Dr Numb cream one hour prior to it. Keep the area covered with saran/cling wrap and don’t remove it till you don’t feel numb. Remove the wrap as per the instructions of the doctor. Now don’t worry about the pain and go ahead with your treatment. 

7 Basic Yoga Tips

Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.” To accomplish this, however you need to be particular about the yoga postures (asanas) and moves you follow. So, here are a few important tips you must definitely remember when doing Yoga in routine.

No matter what yoga style you choose - hatha, or vinyasa, all of them include a few key moves. Your best bet to stay safe is to work with a trained instructor who can show you the right way to do each asana. Also, people with any kind of neck, back, or joint pain problem should consult their doctors before starting a yoga routine.

Above all, don’t ever push yourself to do anything that hurts; instead tailor various poses to work for your body.
Have a look.


 While practicing balance, this classic pose works your legs and feet. Stand erect on your feet and reach down to catch your right ankle with your right hand. Pull up your foot and place the sole against your left inner thigh. Keep your hips even. Press your palms together in front of your chest. Keep in the position for about 30 seconds to 1 minute. Switch sides.


The mountain move is simple and doing it rightly can help with balance and posture. Stand erect on your toes touching each other with heels slightly apart and arms by your sides. Pull your shoulder blades down, and broaden your collarbones. Plus, keep your head straight with your shoulders, your chin parallel to the floor. Don’t tuck or arch your pelvis and lower back; these should be neutral.


Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in. Gently bend your knees and pull your heels toward your groin to press the soles of your feet together. Reach both hands forward to hold onto your feet, or ankles. Relax your thighs so your knees drop further toward the floor. Hold the position for 1-2 minutes. Did you feel a stretch in your lower back, inner thighs, and hips?

Downward Facing Dog

This pose works for the upper body and brings a good stretch in your arms, legs, chest, and back muscles. Get on all fours, knees below hips, toes turned under, and hands a bit in front of your shoulders. Starts exhaling and straighten your legs, allowing your heels pop up from the floor. Lift your sitting bones to the sky pushing your heels toward the floor. Press your palms lightly into your mat and slowly straighten your arms as you draw your shoulder blades down. Feel the relaxation in your head, and try to keep it between your upper arms. Hold the pose for 1-3 minutes.


From downward facing dog, lower your chest forward with straight arms until they are perpendicular to the floor with the palms right under the shoulders. Widen your collarbones, pull your shoulder blades down, and look straight down at the floor. The plank pose helps you build stronger arms, wrists, and core muscles.

Upward Facing Dog

A great posture to strengthen your upper body! Simply lie on your stomach, legs straight and the tops of your feet on the floor. Bend your elbows and place your palms on the floor. Press from your hands to lift your chest and the top of your legs off the ground. Pull your belly button in toward your spine to tighten your abs. Pull your shoulder blades down your back, and lift your chest softly toward the ceiling without tensing your neck.

Reclining Spinal Twist

This twist stretches your back, hips, and neck gently. Lie flat with your arms out to the sides to form a T. Bend your right knee, and lightly set the toes of your right foot on your left knee. Now, drop the right knee over to the left side of your body keeping your shoulders flat on the floor and twisting at the low back and waist. Turn your head to the right and look down your arm at your fingers. Stay in the pose for up to 10 breaths, then switch sides.

Thursday 19 November 2015

Want a Permanent Lip Tattoo? You Need To Know These

Many people are opting for permanent makeup these days. This is because it saves their time and morning hassle for painting their faces for the day. Lipstick tattoo is the latest trend because it frees you of repeatedly putting lipstick during the day.

But getting a permanent lipstick tattoo means you will have the same color forever or you will have to opt for expensive removal technique. The following blog is about few basic things you must know before you get that permanent lipstick tattoo.

The following are some facts you should consider before getting a permanent lipstick tattoo.

Lip tattoos can improve the appearance of your lips but not create actual fullness. Lip tattoo is like an outline to define lips and it cannot create volume or puffiness. Your lips will have an enhanced look with fullness. If you think it will add volume to your lips then you are certainly under an illusion.

The tattoo is nowhere like the traditional lip-liner. The outline is created in a way to enhance the border of the lip and the color is also shaded down into the middle of the lip in a circular motion. This gives a blended look to your lip. But there is no color embedded in the interior part of the lip.

Although you can get color to your natural lip color but that won’t be long-lasting. The aestheticians recommend getting your lips tattooed with one or two shades darker or brighter as per your natural skin tone. But if somebody wants a natural color then she would have to undergo more frequent touch-ups. They will have to visit the salon for touch-ups at least once in a year. So, choose your lip tattoo color wisely.

Many places use pigment and not traditional tattoo ink. This is the main reason the tattoo fades away soon. Earlier, artists used regular tattoo ink for permanent makeup. This made it look so unnatural. When tattoo are made with pigments they lack water consistency and give a more natural powdery finish. But they don’t last for more than 12 to 18 months. And eating and drinking with your lips makes the process faster.

It is painful indeed!
We cannot deny the fact that getting a lipstick tattoo is painful. This is because the skin of lips in highly sensitive and there is no other way than to use an anesthetic or numbing cream to block the pain. So, get in touch with a good aesthetician to know about a good anesthetic to get the procedure done in a painless and quick way.

It would take ten days to heal.
You should book your appointment on Thursday so that you have weekend for letting the swelling and dryness to die down. During the healing process, lips will appear dry and chapped. It will take two weeks for the actual color to show up. Till then you will have to be patient and calm.  

Get medicated if you're prone to cold sores.
The stimulation from the needle can lead to cold sores which can ruin the healing process. Therefore, start your medications in case you are prone to cold sores.

Lipstick tattoo is not meant for every skin tone.
 People with darker skin tones should not go for lip tattoo as it can lead to hyperpigmentation. The needle can abrade the skin and more pigment can be produced during healing and make the lips appear darker.

You can get it removed with a laser
If you don’t like the tattoo outline on your lip you can definitely get it removed with laser treatments. But you will have to undergo a lot of pain along with huge investment for getting it removed. 

Wednesday 18 November 2015

6 Tips for Better Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance these days seems like a difficult feat. The hush rush lifestyle, burdensome work hours and distress has made it impossible for us to bring a balance between the personal and professional life. So, here are a few tips to help better manage the work–life balance.

According a survey carried out by the Harvard Business School experts, a whopping 94% of professionals reported working more than 50 hours per week and nearly half said they worked more than 65 hours per week. This indicates that the compounding stress from the never-ending work is harmful; it tends to hurt relationships, health, happiness and overall life.
Although, work-life balance means different to every individual, yet the health and career experts believe in some ways that can really help you find the balance that’s right for you.
Have a look. 

1. Let Go Of Perfectionism

The urge to become perfectionist today turns people into overachievers and perfectionist at a very young age. However, here the truth is that it’s easier to maintain that perfectionism as a kid, but life gets more complicated as you grow up. With the increase in position and burden at work, and as your family grows, even your errands mushroom. As such, perfectionism becomes out of reach and a mental distress.  
The key to avoid intolerable consequences is to let go of perfectionism. “As life gets more expanded it’s very hard, both neurologically and psychologically, to keep that habit of perfection going.” Therefore, strive for Excellence instead of that burdensome perfectionism.  

2. Work Smarter, Not Harder

Gone are the days when success revolved around hard workers. It’s the era of ‘Smart’ The increasing work pressure and challenges have made it mandatory for the professionals to focus more on working smartly than to work hard. Follow the new trend of ‘tight prioritization’. Allow yourself to do a particular task only for a certain amount of time and try not to get caught up in less productive activities, like unstructured meetings that tend to take up lots of time. 
In addition, learn time management. We all lack this habit which is unfortunately the most important today. Besides prioritizing the tasks for the day, think about how you can divide your time so that things go exactly the way you scheduled them. 

3. Leave Work at Work

Our over work, daily challenges, deadlines, financial exchanges, etc. demands endless working hours. Many a times, professionals get so struck that they are forced to take their work at home. This hinders their personal life and health. They work for hours late at night, compromising their meals, sleep and family time. Trust me, these compromises will ruin your life in the long run. Leave your work at workplace. Don’t even the work panic at home. Whether it’s about a deal, a task, or even a work environment issue, leave all as is when steeping put of the workplace. Take deep breaths; listen to your favorite music while driving back home and try to lighten your mood so that your work stress doesn’t affect our remaining hours at home. 

4. Set your own rules

“You really need to find your own work-life balance, probably with the help of others,” says Allen. “The important thing is to ignore the should's – the should's that comes from other people or from you internalizing others’ mindsets. You have to rely on your own intuition.”

5. Consider Relations 

While work is a necessity in life, relations are crucial too. Relations, whether your friends, spouse or family are important; they act as a great support in your life in both your good and bad. If you’ve responsibilities towards your work and workplace, you do have it for your relations. Make sure spend good amount of time for them out of your busy schedule. This will not only make your loved ones happy, but will boost your energy levels. 

6. Ease Off The Adrenaline

Do you need the rush of adrenaline throughout the day, whether it’s at the gym or at paid employment? The reality is you ought to monitor that. You need to question yourself how happening and smooth your life is. “What happens often is that those hooked on adrenaline hop from one rush to another – from one task to another, from work to gym. What’s that like for your family and friends to be around? Not much fun, especially when you crash – which inevitably you will,” says Leeds-based life coach Melanie Allen.

Saturday 7 November 2015

The Never Ending Legacy of Tattoos

Nowadays, getting a tattoo across various parts of your body is the latest trend. Well, saying that it is a new trend will not be fair. It has been done from centuries. Both men and women seem to be fond of this body art. Let’s find out what make people fall for them even today.

Legacy of tattoos

When it comes to body art, it is important to understand that it is a very broad term. From the minor ear piercing to those huge funky tattoos, painting, etc. it includes several aspects. As far as tattoos are considered, these were previously common among the tribal people. However, now these have evolved as one of the most popular form of body art. The rapidly increasing craze of tattoo art is dominating the fashion industry and both, women and men love to have tattoo designed on different parts of their body.
If you are among those who don’t have a tattoo yet, and still in the dilemma of getting it or not, here are some reasons to get it done right now. Have a look:

1. Celebrities:
The biggest reason of people going crazy for tattoo designs is that their favorite stars are having tattoos. In the recent years a huge number of high-profile celebrities like Angelina Jolie, David Beckham, Christina Aguilera, Penelope Cruz, and Brad Pitt have got tattoo job done on their body, and yes, they love to show them off in public. Hence, their fans are opting for the same, which has resulted in a bit of a fashion craze for tattoos.

2. Artistic: For this, one should thanks technology and the creative minds of the tattoo artists these days. Tattoos are no more simple or tribal form. There are numerous highly skilled tattoo artists around the globe who are proficient in creating stunning and exclusive designs. People are often drawn by the fact that they get incredible tattoo designs, which get them the voguish and artistic look.

3. Pain free action: In the earlier days, the process of tattooing was really painful. Nowadays there are more designs and better quality work is possible. Obviously, it is painful even today as when the ink is injected inside your skin, it causes pain. However, the good news is that now there are number of ways to reduce the pain. For example, the numbing solutions like Dr. Numb. It simply causes numbing sensation on the applied area and you can get the design done easily. Isn’t that wonderful!

4. Heritage: 
As stated earlier, it is nothing new to the world. It is going on from centuries and even the today’s generation seems to be more interested in the ancestry designs. They take it as a pride to adorn those traditional designs over their body, reminding them about their family history. These prominent tattoos proudly display their family roots.

5. A Symbol Of Love: 

 If you are also planning to do something special for your love, tattoos can be a great idea. Both male and female love to display names of their love of their partner on different parts of body and proudly demonstrates their love for them. Because tattoos are permanent it is a great way of displaying your eternal love for your partner.

6. Religion:
Though, it is not a common reason yet, tattoos are popular among different religious groups. For example, Christians love to adorn the cross tattoo and it is an extremely popular choice of design these days. Hence, people use these tattoos as a way to visually convey their religious beliefs and values.

             In the end, remember that each tattoo is unique and comes with different reasoning.  While you prepare yourself for getting one, make sure you choose the perfect design. The reason being, tattoos are a great way to make you stand apart from the crowd. It is an art. Hence, get it done by an artist whose work you love the most. So, it is the right time to get on the board with it and stopped being so judgmental! 

Friday 6 November 2015

Thinking Of Getting Your Face Tattooed? Read This First

Tattoos have become the style statement in today’s world. Many people get their body parts tattooed with name of their lover, with a particular symbol or text or just random designs. 
It is more common to get tattoos over your body but if it is about tattooing your face, one has to think multiple times. Tattooing your face is like getting your face painted for lifetime that too with one design which cannot be altered.

Getting Your Face Tattooed

Well, it may not be a bad idea to get a face tattoo for some while a totally disgusting thing for some others. Moreover, getting your face tattooed may have certain serious repercussions. One may have to face rejection in job interviews, refused entry to hotels, clubs and may even be considered as a criminal by the police.

Over the past few years, face tattoos have become increasingly popular among outlaw bikie gangs and even among young people. But for all those who are thinking to get their face or even neck, head or hands tattooed, should consult their friends, family, colleagues and even experts before getting the ink on their facial skin. 

What Do The Experts Say About Face Tattoos?

Gary Southcombe, a veteran tattoo artist of the studio in Sydney ‘The Illustrated Man’ "It's not cool," "Nothing above the collar or below the wrist unless you already have a full sleeve, and faces, we don't do them."

Willink Sharpe, a tattoo artist from the studio ‘of Two Three Two Two Tattoo Studio’ in Newcastle says no to young men and women who come to the studio asking for face tattoos. In his words “I see a lot of young dudes who want their faces tattooed so they can look tough for their mates,”
He added "I don't even like doing sides of necks,”.

Sharpe has got tattoos over his skull, a dagger on his sideburns, skull and crossbones under his left eye and a "straight edge" tattoo on his temple. But most part of his face it still clear. 

He is just 28 years old and got some tattoos over his face in the past two years. But he still faces situations like being hit up at train stations and police enquires about his innocence. 

Bikie gang members go to club tattoo parlors which are owned by fellow members for getting their face tattooed. 
But these people tattooed their hands and faces to pose themselves as distinct from the crowd. Some people even use tattoos to earn a living, or to showcase a featured piece of tattoo art, for gaining recognition, or using their face as an advertising billboard. But the point is face tattoos are gaining popularity due to some or the reason. 

People With Tattooed Faces

Once you get your face tattooed with permanent ink it can only be removed with expensive or painful tattoo removal surgery. 
Here’s the story of Cronin, the face of the National Tattoo and Body Art Expo two years ago, who got his first tattoo when he was 11 and since then he has been filling his skin since then. He was a bodyguard to the late criminal Mark "Chopper" Reed and now he has reached his 50s. He says that being branded is like a spiritual experience. 
In his words "There's a Maori tradition - and I firmly believe in it - that every time you get tattooed, anywhere but especially the face, you walk out and start again,", "It's like a life-changing experience. A new stage."

You will find many such stories that may inspire you to get tattoos. But there are many who regret to have their facial skin tattooed. So, it’s all your choice but do consider before you go for.

Thursday 5 November 2015

How Do You Know if your Scabies Treatment Worked?

Scabies Treatmnet

Scabies being a contagious and parasitic infestation, it is sometimes difficult to treat it completely. Hence there are a few things one should know when it comes to treating scabies. Have a look.

Possibilities after Scabies Treatment
It is not always true to say that the scabies treatment turns successful. People treated for scabies sometimes feel as though the medication did not work. Ineffective treatment or failure leads to frequent doctor visits and surplus use of potentially toxic drugs over multiple treatments. This may also create chances of further infestation, including Crusted scabies – a deadly form of scabies. And, with all this it is not required to mention about the money spent and stress associated with being unable to find a proper treatment.

Here, it would be significant to understand the ways to properly treat scabies and what to expect in the aftermath of cure.

Standard Scabies Treatment

The standard treatment for scabies includes topical ointments and scabicides – medications recommended to treat scabies. To ensure that scabies treatment is successful, proper procedure and guidelines should be followed. 

Often, people are recommended to use permethrin cream to treat scabies. However, with the increase in the extent and number of scabies patients, the permethrin treatment usually fails. Yet another treatment recommended is the Lindane. But, the FDA has banned the use of Lindane for scabies due to its pesticidal properties and that it can lead to cancer and other deadly side-effects.  

Medications like Dr. Scabies that includes natural ingredients like Sulfur and tee tree oil can prove effective in treating scabies. These are over-the-counter medications and do not need doctor’s prescription to buy.

The right way to apply these over the counter cream is: apply the cream 2-3 times a day on a clean and dry skin area. You can use them all over the body. The cream should be left on overnight. This will help the patient get relief from that itching that persists badly at night.

Taking preventive measures are also a must. In the morning, clothes and laundry that have been used by an infested person should be washed. Person's bedding and any other surfaces or items that have been touched by the infested person should also be washed. Things like upholstery, mattresses that cannot be washed should be vacuumed well. The individual should then wash the cream off of the body.

After the initial treatment, this exact routine should be followed a second time for one week so as to kill any mites hatched from eggs that may have survived the initial treatment. Although, there is no known medication that will surely kill the eggs, Dr. Scabies and some of the other natural treatments tend to do so. Plus, it is advisable to strictly follow the treatment by all individuals within the household at the same time, even if they are not experiencing symptoms.

Post Scabies Syndrome: What if the Treatment Didn't Work?

The treatment takes time to show its results. This is because it takes 48-72 hours for the lotion to kill the mites. Even after that, the eggs and feces that are left behind in their burrows may continue to annoy the skin until the body absorbs or expels the debris.

In addition, it is important to know that even though your treatment has started, it is still unlikely to be the end of the itching. The reason of post scabies syndrome is currently unidentified, but many scabies sufferers continue to experience scabies-like symptoms long after the mites have been successfully eliminated.

While some dermatologists believe that these symptoms arose because the body still tries to expel the debris left by the mites, other think that the body may be exhibiting a long-lasting immune reaction to the mites that was once but is no longer there, or possibly to the treatment.

To avoid the potential side effects when using any prescription drug, one should be certain to discuss how to use the medication and the possible side effects that might be hinder your comfort. A medical professional may be able to suggest some less severe alternatives.

Proper checkup, treatment and precautions are a must to treat off the scabies infestation completely in the first go. 

Wednesday 4 November 2015

The American Who Become Scotland’s Premier Tattoo Artist

PAUL Slifer decided to take a voyage to the world after leaving Massachusetts 19 years ago, however, he quickly fell in love with Edinburgh and opened Red, Hot and Blue Tattoo. Cover his entire journey with us!
Paul Slifer - The Premier American-Scottish Tattoo Artist

I firmly believe tattooing is a craft and not art. It takes a certain level of skill to produce a tattoo that has the hallmarks of a well-executed tattoo; these being clean, sharp lines, smooth shading, and solid, saturated color. I'm not putting any ideas of my own into the work. I'm not trying to convey a part of my soul into the tattoo! I think that's the difference between art and craft. The crafts person works with their hands and head while the artist works with their hands, head and try's to communicate a personal message to the viewer. Tattooing doesn't work like that. Someone comes into my shop, says they want a dragon for example, and I give them the dragon they want, in the colors they want. I'm not going to tattoo an expression of the refuge crisis in Syria on them because I've decided I'm an artist!” says Paul Slifer - one of the most successful American Tattoo Artist working in Scotland.
You might be wondering, how an American can be a tattoo artist in Scotland? Here’s his story.

The Making Of A Tattoo Legend

PAUL Slifer runs his tattoo business in a shop called Red, Hot and Blue Tattoo on Brougham Place, Edinburgh. He is originally from Massachusetts in the U.S.A.
Slifer was an evolving tattoo artist who worked in Providence, Rhode Island in 1997. At this time, he decided to travel to the UK with the purpose of working for three months and then heading back to the Continent to experience more countries.
Hence, he started his journey in Scotland – Edinburgh. It was also the place where he met his future wife not long after arriving and he never left. About the meeting, Slifer that the in the beginning h felt like it was a fateful meeting to put an end to the idea that he would be a rambling tattooist traveling the globe. However, soon he realized that he has landed where he belongs.

Slifer and a number of other tattooists have been working at Red, Hot and Blue Tattoo, at their trade and building on a reputation for quality craftsmanship and beautiful work. Slifer has recently written a children’s book entitled “A is for Anchor” which teaches the Alphabet in letters using the tattooist style to demonstrate it.
Married to Clare and father of two beautiful daughters, an architect and a part-time teacher at Edinburgh University and Napier University, Scotland today caught up Paul at his home in Edinburgh.

When asked about how the changes have taken place since settling in Scotland 19 years ago, Slifer says,

When I first arrived here 18 years ago, I (in my ignorance) viewed Scotland as more of a province of the UK rather than its own country. I know people from elsewhere in the United Kingdom have those sentiments as well, but as my time here went on my idea of Scotland changed. It's a country with its own language, customs and shared values. I can't forget to mention food and drink as well. I am now an avid porridge eater, (cooked in water and salt only!) and have been known to appreciate a single-malt on occasion.
Coming from the States, one of the things that I really like about Scotland is this idea that we're all in this together. I heard a saying when I first moved here "that we're all Jock Tamson's bairns". I love that and it's probably the thing I like most about Scottish people. 
I think that Massachusetts, where I am from, and the USA could do well to embrace some of those values.