
Friday 24 July 2015

12 foods that can revitalize your skin

Beyond all the face packs, lotions and creams it is the kind of food you eat that determines the quality of your skin.

If you eat the right kind of food it nourishes your whole body, purifies the blood and strengthens the immune system. So, automatically your skin looks radiant and young and reduces skin problems.

It doesn’t matter the type of skin you have oily or dry. Your skin can be healthy and glowing if you focus a little on your dietary habits.
Following are some foods that can help you to avoid skin problems and improve the radiance of your skin.

1.   Olive oil- reduces aging
Consuming around two teaspoons of olive oil in a day reduces signs of aging by 31%. The presence of monosaturated fatty acids boosts the skin’s youthfulness. Moreover, polyphnols which is anti oxidant reduce the damaging radicals.

1.   Pomegranates-adds rosiness to the skin

Pomegranates are full of polyphenol antioxidants which can eradicate free radicals and increase blood flow. Therefore, they provide soft pink glow to the skin.

Even applying them directly on the skin moisturizes the skin and lessens the wrinkles. 
1.   Orange skin: protection from UV rays

Eating peels of citrus fruits like orange and lemon have been found to be more beneficial than fruits and juices. Consuming the peels has been found to reduce risk of squamous cell carcinoma by 33%.

2.   Tomato: improves skin’s SPF

Tomato is the best substitute for your sunscreen. It can naturally revamp your skin’s SPF and provide protection against sunburn. Tomato is rich in lycopene –an antioxidant that prevents cell damaging.

3.   Kiwi- reduces wrinkles

Kiwi is a wallop of Vitamin C which can reduce dryness and wrinkles on the skin. Vitamin C is also found to trigger collagen synthesis which keeps the skin clear free of lines.

4.   Pumpkin- enhances growth of skin cells

Beta carotene is present in huge amount in cooked pumpkin. Beta carotene gets converted to Vitamin A in the body which pampers growth of skin cells thereby making the skin soft and wrinkleless.

5.   Sunflower seeds: pimple free-skin

Sunflower seeds are power packed with Vitamin C that helps the skin to fight off pimples and acne. Vitamin E otherwise, boosts immune system and provides strength to the body to battle against inflammation. 
6.   Carrots: Enhances skin glow

For that rosy smile carrot is the best food. Carrot is rich in carotenoid which improves skin’s complexion. It increases the skin glow and makes it healthy as well.

7.   Cucumber: Rehydrates skin

Cucumber has anti oxidant properties that help to keep the skin clean and fresh. It contains 95% of water and therefore can rehydrate the skin.

8.   Kale: reduces skin disease

Kale is a green leafy vegetable entitled as queen of greens. This is rich in Vitamin A and C and helps in detoxification of the body. This fiber rich vegetable helps to keep away from skin diseases like acne and blemishes.
9.   Green tea: increases skin’s elasticity

Green tea is full of anti oxidants that protect you from sun burns and harmful effects of the UV rays. It also increases the blood flow and provides the much needed oxygen to the skin. So, in all it helps to keep your complexion healthy and radiant.

10.               Walnuts- prevents eczema
This nut is full of omega-3 fatty acids which is a best substituent for people who don’t consume fish. Alpha-linolenic acid –a type of omega 3 is present in large amounts in walnuts.
This is good for people with dry skin which develops eczema due to deficiency of omega-3. 

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