
Friday 20 November 2015

7 Basic Yoga Tips

Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.” To accomplish this, however you need to be particular about the yoga postures (asanas) and moves you follow. So, here are a few important tips you must definitely remember when doing Yoga in routine.

No matter what yoga style you choose - hatha, or vinyasa, all of them include a few key moves. Your best bet to stay safe is to work with a trained instructor who can show you the right way to do each asana. Also, people with any kind of neck, back, or joint pain problem should consult their doctors before starting a yoga routine.

Above all, don’t ever push yourself to do anything that hurts; instead tailor various poses to work for your body.
Have a look.


 While practicing balance, this classic pose works your legs and feet. Stand erect on your feet and reach down to catch your right ankle with your right hand. Pull up your foot and place the sole against your left inner thigh. Keep your hips even. Press your palms together in front of your chest. Keep in the position for about 30 seconds to 1 minute. Switch sides.


The mountain move is simple and doing it rightly can help with balance and posture. Stand erect on your toes touching each other with heels slightly apart and arms by your sides. Pull your shoulder blades down, and broaden your collarbones. Plus, keep your head straight with your shoulders, your chin parallel to the floor. Don’t tuck or arch your pelvis and lower back; these should be neutral.


Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in. Gently bend your knees and pull your heels toward your groin to press the soles of your feet together. Reach both hands forward to hold onto your feet, or ankles. Relax your thighs so your knees drop further toward the floor. Hold the position for 1-2 minutes. Did you feel a stretch in your lower back, inner thighs, and hips?

Downward Facing Dog

This pose works for the upper body and brings a good stretch in your arms, legs, chest, and back muscles. Get on all fours, knees below hips, toes turned under, and hands a bit in front of your shoulders. Starts exhaling and straighten your legs, allowing your heels pop up from the floor. Lift your sitting bones to the sky pushing your heels toward the floor. Press your palms lightly into your mat and slowly straighten your arms as you draw your shoulder blades down. Feel the relaxation in your head, and try to keep it between your upper arms. Hold the pose for 1-3 minutes.


From downward facing dog, lower your chest forward with straight arms until they are perpendicular to the floor with the palms right under the shoulders. Widen your collarbones, pull your shoulder blades down, and look straight down at the floor. The plank pose helps you build stronger arms, wrists, and core muscles.

Upward Facing Dog

A great posture to strengthen your upper body! Simply lie on your stomach, legs straight and the tops of your feet on the floor. Bend your elbows and place your palms on the floor. Press from your hands to lift your chest and the top of your legs off the ground. Pull your belly button in toward your spine to tighten your abs. Pull your shoulder blades down your back, and lift your chest softly toward the ceiling without tensing your neck.

Reclining Spinal Twist

This twist stretches your back, hips, and neck gently. Lie flat with your arms out to the sides to form a T. Bend your right knee, and lightly set the toes of your right foot on your left knee. Now, drop the right knee over to the left side of your body keeping your shoulders flat on the floor and twisting at the low back and waist. Turn your head to the right and look down your arm at your fingers. Stay in the pose for up to 10 breaths, then switch sides.

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