
Thursday, 6 August 2015

Most Effective Way of Preventing Sharp Pain from Hair Waxing

Waxing is an efficient method of expelling the unwanted hair from any region of your body. Waxing removes hair from beneath the surface of the skin. It is a more popular and preferred hair removal method than plucking and sugaring.
You can do waxing at home or go to a salon for a professional touch. Waxing at home is not difficult if you know the right technique to do it.

Prevent Pain from Hair Waxing

But what holds back most people from getting their skin waxed is the immense pain that occurs due to hair removal. Everybody would love to get their whole body waxed provided it is pain free.

Preparing the wax

If you are planning to wax at home then buy an at-home waxing kit as this will contain the right equipments for convenient wax. There are two main types of home waxing kits for you to choose- one is regular waxing kit which employs the use of cloth strips and the other is hard waxing kit where the wax gets pulled off itself after drying.
Regular wax works best on legs and underarms and hard wax is suitable to remove hair from your bikini area.
A home kit for waxing comes with the instructions on how to prepare the wax for proper results. Follow that and get your ready with your kit.
If you are visiting a salon for wax, then you can be absolutely stress free.

Waxing at the sensitive areas

There are two main sensitive areas of your body where you would experience great pain while removing hair. Although some people may experience pain at other areas too as sensitivity varies from person to person

            Waxing underarms

This is a sensitive area to remove hair from. Removing hair from underarms is always painful and cause lot of irritation. It’s advisable to get this area waxed from a professional so as to make it perfect for you.
The procedure is similar to waxing your legs but this is a real painful process. Generally, people prefer the use of numbing creams or take a painkiller before they get their sensitive areas waxed.  Many good aestheticians use numbing creams to make this region insensitive to external stimuli. A good numbing cream can help you to get this area easily waxed without experiencing any pain. Dr Numb’s cream is one of the popular creams in the market which contains a powerful anesthetic 5%lidocaine. Lidocaine is declared safe by FDA for dermatological skin purposes.

Prevent Pain from Hair Waxing

Some tips for waxing your underarms

·         If you know your skin is too sensitive then there is no harm in using a numbing cream or taking a painkiller.
·         To make it less painful, scrub your underarms and clean them with warm water.
·         After you are done with the cleaning part, apply the hot wax in the same direction of hair growth. Since your underarm has hair growth in two directions so you need to wax it twice opposite to the direction of hair growth.
·         For waxing stretch your arm by taking your hand behind your head. This will stretch the hair and make it easy to pull them out.
·         After removing all hair, wash your armpits with cold water to remove the left over wax.

·         Don’t use any deodorants or body sprays post waxing to avoid irritation.

·         Waxing the bikini area

This sounds scary to most people specially the first timers. Bikini wax is undoubtedly painful because it involves removing hair from the most sensitive area of the body.  Hard wax is the best one to remove your pubic hair as it sticks better to the hair there.
Many people have the notion that consuming alcohol may help them avoid the pain experienced during the bikini wax. But this is indeed not true.
There is a more effective way to have a painless bikini wax and that is by using a numbing cream. Dr numb’s cream can really help you to avoid the sharp pain due to bikini wax. It is one of the most trusted numbing creams which have no side-effects. 

Tips for bikini wax

  •             First decide how much hair you want to get removed. And clearly talk about it with your aesthetician. This can help you in avoiding the panic during the wax.
  •       Exfoliate your skin before you lie down for your bikini wax session.
  •          If you are waxing your bikini area yourself it’s good to keep a mirror in front to get your desired results. If a professional is doing it then lie down in a relaxed mood as she will make sure it gets perfect for you.
  •       Don’t go for bikini wax during your periods and make sure your hair have enough length as it becomes easier to pull them out. 

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